your search is over

let's recruit
you, or for you.

On, you don't search for a job. You don't search for candidates. We find them for you.

Register with your complete details, let us know your skills and the area you’d like to work in, and our team will find the best job for you based on your requirements. Give us the chance to work for you!

Post your job for FREE!
Do you have a job ad, and you want everyone to know about it?
Start FREE!
Start your social media campaign!
Access to a broader audience, save time and costs, measure performance, promote your brand, and increase your company’s visibility.
Start now!
We swiftly send you 20 carefully selected candidates for the profile you’re seeking, and you also benefit from a dedicated social media campaign until the goal is achieved.
Book today!
Are you searching for a job?
Easily browse and apply to our latest open positions.

your search is over

let's recruit
you, or for you.

On, you don't search for a job. You don't search for candidates. We find them for you.

Register with your complete details, let us know your skills and the area you’d like to work in, and our team will find the best job for you based on your requirements. Give us the chance to work for you!


if you are a candidate, here's what you need to do.

In order for us to find you a job.

Follow these 3 simple steps, and after you sign up, we'll take care of everything.

You sign up, very easily, in our database.

It’s the only thing you need to do, sign up here on the website, and while you wait, we take care of everything.

We search for the best job, on all platforms.

Because we use an intelligent system, we will search for the job that suits you best. All you have to do is wait.

We connect you with your new employer.

After we work and find the best match with an employer for you, it’s simple: we send them your details, and they will contact you for the new job.

Înscrie-te acum!
Completează datele corect și atent, nu vrei să greșești ceva și să ratezi vreo oportunitate foarte bună. Atenție mare!
De unde ești, și cum te contactăm
In pasul acesta vrem să știm de unde ești, să-ți găsim locuri de muncă în zona ta, și ce date de contact ai, ca să putem lua legătura cu tine, dupa ce îți găsim de muncă.
Încă un pas.
Fii atent, trebuie să bifezi niște opțiuni. Primele 3 sunt obligatorii. Fără ele nu prea te putem ajuta. Dar cu cât bifezi mai multe, cu atât mai bine. 🙂
NOI MUNCIM.RO SRL este o companie românească, ce activează pe piața de recrutare, facilitând comunicarea dintre angajați și angajatori. NOI MUNCIM.RO colectează datele tale personale pentru a te informa privind noi locuri de muncă. Mai multe detaliile despre modalitățile de prelucrare a datelor tale cu caracter personal se pot consulta AICI. Prin confirmarea prezentului pas, declari că ai citit și esti de acord cu termenii politicii noastre de prelucrare date cu caracter personal. Poți renunța oricând la opțiunile tale, accesând acest linkul de linkul de dezabonare. - Îți căutam cel mai tare loc de muncă


We're looking for the coolest job, just for you.

If you're looking for a job or want to stay updated on the latest job offers, read on.

Haven’t you had enough of platforms that make you navigate through a maze of ads, fill out endless forms, and send emails without getting a response? All this, just for a simple job – these platforms make everything seem very complicated for you. Let us handle this entire process for you.

employer area

Keep costs under control.

If you're an employer or recruiter looking for candidates, you've come to the right place.

For companies and recruiters, MUNCIM.RO streamlines costs and time resources allocated to the most challenging part of high-volume recruitment: sourcing. We don’t exclude the human element, nor do we minimize the importance of human resources companies in the market. Instead, we position ourselves as a complement to them, aiming to leverage technology in the service of employers. - Tine costurile sub control

Start now with one of


FREE job

We publish it on JOBS.MUNCIM.RO, and you hire quickly! Do you have a job ad, and you want everyone to know about it?

We publish it for you, we have our own platform for posting ads on MUNCIM.RO.

Start your campaign today!

You benefit from access to a broader audience, save time and costs, measure performance, promote your brand, and increase your company’s visibility.

Your job ad is available on JOBS.MUNCIM.RO, and you benefit from a dedicated social media campaign, all to help you find candidates quickly.

Sourcing... like never before!

The candidate sourcing service optimizes the recruitment process, saving time and resources, and helps build a strong talent pool for your business.

We swiftly send you 20 carefully selected candidates for the profile you’re seeking, and you also benefit from a dedicated social media campaign until the goal is achieved.


Atât pentru angajatori, cât și pentru recruiteri.

Pentru că încercăm să ne poziționăm între candidați și angajatori sau recruiteri, avem o paletă largă de servicii care vine în întâmpinarea ambelor tabere. Uite câteva din serviciile noastre: sourcing | identificare candidați eligibili, recrutare și selecție | identificare CV’uri candidați eligibili, recrutare end-to-end, interviu online, campanii de marketing, employer branding.

employer branding.
done right.

Toata lumea face employer branding. Însă puțini fac asta corect și eficient.

Cu o echipă mixtă de marketeri, recruiteri, designeri și developeri, fiecare cu experiență extensivă în domeniul de activitate, și cu zeci de campanii de employer branding facute împreună, credem că putem face o diferență semnificativă în astfel de campanii. Mai multe detalii în curând. - Despre noi

Who works. For you.

About Us.
Brief Overview.

We are a team with 10 years of experience in the recruitment field, structured of a talented and diverse group of professionals. From creative designers and innovative programmers to recruitment and marketing specialists, we are here to provide you with personalized and efficient recruitment solutions.

Whether you are a growing company in search of a new team member or an established organization looking for an expert in your field, we are here to offer the support you need in the recruitment process.